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Quest for the Devil

Find Kalastor in Lighthaven, and tell him Balork

Go to level -4 of the Temple of Lighthaven, find Balork and tell him the evil keyword.

Afterwards, he will probably try to kill you, but DO NOT KILL him.

Go back to Kalastor and tell him nightingale, missions, yes, shake, name, secret then darkness.

Find Edgar Gimplestratten, a merchant located in a small house very close to the Southwest.

Tell him protection and he will attack you. Kill him to recover the gold.

Return to Kalastor, he will ask you if you have the gold, say yes, yes then raven's dust.


  • Access to the black market quest
  • Decreased Karma

You can complete this quest at will.

en/quetedudiable.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/03 22:06 by

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