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Server features

  • Software version serveur : 1.80+
  • Software version client : 1.80+
  • File version WDAs : improved
  • Version tools : 1.80+
  • Customer source version / server : 1.80.1
  • Website address : T4C Legends
  • Address of the Discord : Discord Legends

Server configuration

  • Maximum number of rebirth: 3
  • Recalculated - HP/MP: NO
  • Access for all: Asile - ZE - ZL - ZO - FnR
  • Remove your wings: yes
  • Gems FNR: 0 Boost limit fix
  • ACP Drop: yes
  • Céleste Armor: yes
  • Character creation: 21 Points character
  • Add-on 1.25: Gem of Flamme (non PVP), Gem Unstable, Gem All-in-One
  • Spell Sanctuary: Disable in PVP

Anti-Gambling on Legends

Anti-Plug System v2.0
Anti-Plug Activated
Stop the plug if Entangle, Plague, Bless
Anti-switch in pvp Activated
Anti-speed hack Activated
Anti-auto potion Activated
Anti-auto recall Activated
Anti-auto XP Activated

PVP server settings: classic version (You is a Bisounours)

Parameter 1
Coefficient XP x5 (No bonus kill xp)
Coefficient Gold x3
Parameter 2 PVM PVP
Loss of equipment 5 % 0 %
Loss of inventory items 50 % 0 %
Loss of gold 35 % 5 %
Loss XP 5 % 0 %
Minimum level of PvP 1 1
Maximum level difference None 1
Simplified access No

PVP server settings: Survivor version (You is a Legend)

Parameter 1
Coefficient XP x5 + bonnus kill
Coefficient Gold x3
Parameter 2 PVM PVP
Loss of equipment 5 % 35 %
Loss of inventory 50 % 75 %
Loss of gold 35 % 50 %
Loss XP 5 % 50 %
Minimum level of PvP 1 1
Maximum level difference None None
Simplified access Yes

Additional Parameters PVP Mode: Classic & Survivor

PVP Mode
A player in Survivor mode can kill a player in Classic mode.
A player in Classic mode can kill a player in Survivor mode.

A problem?

We are also available on Discord here: Contact Us. ————————————————– ————————————————– —————

en/reglage.1665424361.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/10/10 19:52 by

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