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Quest for rats

Near Lighthaven temple, there is an NPC (dressed in red clothes) called Lighthaven Samaritan.

Talk to him and he will ask you if you have any questions to ask. Answer Yesand then say Errand.

He will give you your first quest, to kill 15 rats at the temple dungeon.

Kill them, then return to him and say Errand again.


  • 2,500 XP.

Note: When you are level 1 it's a little difficultto handle rats.

At the first level of the temple dungeon (in a room to thewest), you will find an NPC called Nevanis. Say Heal to him and he will cure your wounds.

Stay near him and whenever you need help, just say Heal to him

en/quetedesrats.1579541193.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/09/25 20:04 (external edit)

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