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The Royal Keys

In the Silversky Palace, find King Theodore. Note that you must have done the Audience to the King Quest. Say “Work”, “Kingdom”, “Tournament”, “Brothers” and you will learn about the 12 Undead Brothers. Now go to the RD Crypt, and locate the 12 Brothers at Level 3 of the Crypt. Be careful, you must talk to them in a specific order which is explained at the following table. If you make a mistake (even on what you say) you must start over. Check out the map for the location of the undead brothers.

<table width="50%" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#000000">
    <td width="6%"><font size="2"><div align="center"><b>Order</b></div></td>
    <td width="40%"><font size="2"><b>Name</b></td>
    <td width="54%"><font size="2"><b>What to Say</b></td>
    <td><font size="2"><div align="center">1</div></td>
    <td><font size="2">A Decrepit Figure</td>
    <td><font size="2">torment</td>
    <td><font size="2"><div align="center">2</div></td>
    <td><font size="2">A Stumbling Corpse</td>
    <td><font size="2">torment</td>
    <td><font size="2"><div align="center">3</div></td>
    <td><font size="2">A Moaning Shadow</td>
    <td><font size="2">tournament of princes</td>
    <td><font size="2"><div align="center">4</div></td>
    <td><font size="2">A Frail Creature</td>
    <td><font size="2">king of goldmoon</td>
    <td><font size="2"><div align="center">5</div></td>
    <td><font size="2">A Rotting Monstrosity</td>
    <td><font size="2">theodore</td>
    <td><font size="2"><div align="center">6</div></td>
    <td><font size="2">A Pitiful Being</td>
    <td><font size="2">deaths</td>
    <td><font size="2"><div align="center">7</div></td>
    <td><font size="2">A Wailing Entity</td>
    <td><font size="2">poisoned</td>
    <td><font size="2"><div align="center">8</div></td>
    <td><font size="2">A Miserable Soul</td>
    <td><font size="2">cursed</td>
    <td><font size="2"><div align="center">9</div></td>
    <td><font size="2">A Foul Abomination</td>
    <td><font size="2">cuthana</td>
    <td><font size="2"><div align="center">10</div></td>
    <td><font size="2">A Putrid Beast</td>
    <td><font size="2">heal</td>
    <td><font size="2"><div align="center">11</div></td>
    <td><font size="2">A Creeping Fiend</td>
    <td><font size="2">royal doors</td>
    <td><font size="2"><div align="center">12</div></td>
    <td><font size="2">A Loathsome Horror</td>
    <td><font size="2">lower dungeon</td>

<p align=“justify”>The last zombie (a Loathsome Horror) is the one you must give the 6 Royal Keys to so he can open the Royal Doors to the Lower Dungeon and get the Cuthana Herb. What follows is an extensive walkthrough of how to receive the 6 Royal Keys:</p> <p align=“left”> </p> <li><p align=“justify”><b><u>Royal Key #1:</u> </b>Find Celydia in the Silversky Palace and say “<b>Royal Key</b>” and “<b>Reynen</b>”. Go to the Silversky Tavern, find Laren and say “<b>Reynen</b>” to him, too. He will reveal that he once had a relationship with Adriana and send you to Belagan (Adriana's assistant). Say “<b>Reynen</b>”, “<b>Yes</b>” and he will ask for a Book of Warfare (you can buy one from Tobias in the Silversky Palace, near the Palace Dungeon, by saying “<b>Book of Warfare</b>” for 15.000 Gold Pieces). Take the book back to Belagan and say “<b>Book of Warfare</b>”, “<b>Reynen</b>”. Pay attention to what he says. He might ask for another book for Adriana (it seems that if you have done the Blade of Sharpness Quest, he doesn't) or send you to Reynen Aspicdart. Go to the Connector Cave and find Reynen (look at the map). Say “<b>Royal Key</b>” and he will tell you that it's in a chest that may be locked. Find the chest which is, of course, locked and return to Reynen. Say “<b>Locked</b>” and he will give you the key to it (Reynen Key). Go back to Reynen's Chest and open it.</li></p> <p align=“justify”><b>Note #1: </b>The chest drops the Royal Key in a completely random way. Keep trying until it does so.<br> <b>Note #2: </b>To do this quest you must have 100+ Karma.

<p align=“left”></p> <li><p align=“justify”><b><u>Royal Key #2:</u> </b>In the Silversky Palace, find Terwin (he is near the throne). Say “<b>Royal Key</b>” and he will ask for a Potion of Heroism (Orc Battlemages drop it. Take one to him and say “<b>Royal Key</b>” again. He will tell you that Chamberlain Thomar has it (he is in the palace, too). Find him and say “<b>Royal Key</b>”. He will ask you to become a Champion of Light first. Say “<b>Champion of Light</b>” and he will give you the key.</li></p> <b>Note: </b>To do this quest you must have 100+ Karma. <p align=“left”></p> <li><p align=“justify”><b><u>Royal Key #3:</u> </b>In Silversky, find Elysana Blackrose (she is in a house south of the temple). Say “<b>Royal Key</b>” and she will ask for Ether. What she is looking for is a Flask of Bluish Liquid . Alternatively, you can get it from the Flask of Bluish Liquid quest in Arakas. Take it to her and say “<b>Royal Key</b>” again. She will ask if you want a Serious Heal Pot. Answer “<b>No</b>” and she will send you to Zhakar. Find him (at the RD Tower of Sorcery) and say “<b>Elysana Blackrose</b>” 3 Times. He will ask you to solve the following riddle: “Name three Keys that won't open doors”. Answer “<b>Donkey Monkey Turkey</b>” and he will give you the key.</li></p> <p align=“justify”><b>Note #1: </b>To do this quest you must have 100+ Karma. <br> <b>Note #2: </b>You must be a Champion of Light in order to start this key.</p> <p align=“left”></p> <li><p align=“justify”><b><u>Royal Key #4:</u> </b>Head for the Silversky Tavern and talk to Thea (she only talks at night). Say “<b>Royal Key</b>” and she will send you to Moonrock in the Lighthaven Temple. Say “<b>Royal Key</b>” to her and she'll tell you to find Bane Blackblood. In order for him to talk to you, you must have done the Audience to Bane Blackblood Quest. When you find him, say “<b>Royal Key</b>” many times until he gives it to you. <b>Attention:</b> <b>When you say </b>“<b>Royal Key</b>” <b>he will attack you. Don't kill him. Just leave the castle and return and he will have… forgotten it :-). Keep trying until he gives you the key.</b></li></p> <p align=“justify”><b>Note: </b>In order for Moonrock to talk to you, you must have 170+ Karma.</p> <p align=“left”></p> <li><p align=“justify”><b><u>Royal Key #5:</u> </b>In the Silversky Palace, find the cook, Jon Hamhoo. Say “<b>Royal Key</b>” and he will explain (with a looooong story) that it probably ended up in the hands of two friends, Jalir and Kamar. The correct names are Kalir and Jamar (the two friends that wander the desert). Go to Kalir first (he is the one in the Desert Oasis) and say “<b>Royal Key</b>”. He'll say that he knows nothing about it and give you a letter for his brother, Jamar. Go to Jamar (he is in Silversky) and say “<b>Give Letter</b>”. He will give you a letter for Kalir. Go back to Kalir and say “<b>Give Letter</b>”, “<b>Royal Key</b>”. He will admit having lied to you and explain that he has given the key to Morindin Arrowmist (he is north of the Tarantulas Pond). Go to Arrowmist, say “<b>Royal key</b>” and he will give it to you.</li></p> <p align=“justify”><b>Note #1: </b>In order for Morindin Arrowmist to talk to you, you must have 170+ Karma.<br> <b>Note #2: </b>Morindin Arrowmist won't talk to you during the night time.<br> <b>Note #3: </b>Morindin Arrowmist won't give you the Royal Key #5 if your level is lower then 40, he will tell you to come back when you grow stronger.</p> <p align=“left”></p> <li><p align=“justify”><b><u>Royal Key #6:</u> </b>In the Silversky Palace, find Tobias (he is near the Palace Dungeon entrance). Say “<b>Royal Key</b>” and he will send you to Celestina Waterbreeze in the RD Druid Camp. Find her and say “<b>Royal Key</b>” and she will ask you to answer sincerely on the following question: “Have you ever killed a Forest Guardian”. Answer the question sincerely and she will send you to Mordrick Warstone (in the Silversky Palace). Say “<b>Royal Key</b>” to him and he will tell you the story about the Sword of Might. He will also ask you to return it to him. Go to the connector cave and find the magic well. Say “<b>Make Mine Thy Might</b>” and you will get the Sword of Might in your inventory. Take it back to Mordrick and say “<b>Sword of Might</b>”. He will give you the key.</li></p> <p align=“justify”><b>Note #1: </b>To get the Sword of Might from the magic well, you must have 170+ Karma.<br> <b>Note #2: </b>You might have to say “<b>Royal Key</b>” again in order for Mordrick to give it to you<br><b>Note #3: </b>You must be a Champion of Light in order to start this key.<br>


en/quetecleroyale.1701694920.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/04 14:02 by goa

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