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Earth Spells

Stone Shard: Type Physique

Spall Namepre-requisLevelIntSagMPPoints SkillPrice
Stone ShardNo One41720261328 Golds

Sends a small shard of stone flying towards the target. One of the first weapons for the epic battles near LH :-). Uranos (Tower Mages LH) Cible : Cible unique ennemie. Durée : Instant

Protection: Type Physique

Spall Namepre-requisLevelIntSagMPPoints SkillPrice
ProtectionNo One82025971825 Golds

Increases the target's armor class Use: Must spell nearly for all classes. It is mainly wisdom dependent. LH Temple-Moonrock Self or single friendly target. Duration: 3:00

Shatter: Type Mental

Spall Namepre-requisLevelIntSagMPPoints SkillPrice
ShatterStone Shard18263751114292 Golds

Hits the target with enough force to shatter it to pieces. Uranos (Tower des Mages, LH), Quite useful spell for goblins. Single enemy target. Duration: Instant

Earthen Strength: Type Physique

Spall Namepre-requisLevelIntSagMPPoints SkillPrice
Earthen StrengthNo One232943301222057 Golds

Increases the target's strength Very useful spell when buying potions especially for mages that don't have enough base strength. Also very useful for every character because it is known that weapon damage increases with strength. The raise is wisdom dependant RD Temple- Brother Giamas Self or single friendly target. Duration: 5:00

Stone Skin: Type Physique

Spall Namepre-requisLevelIntSagMPPoints SkillPrice
Stone SkinProtection37375945175277 Golds

Protection spell. Temporarily increases caster's AC. Use: Must spell for everyone that can afford its requirements. Base AC raise is approximately 20. It is wisdom dependent. RD Temple-Brother Giamas Target: Caster only. Duration: 5:00

Earthquake: Type Physique

Spall Namepre-requisLevelIntSagMPPoints SkillPrice
EarthquakeShatter474371112082297 Golds

Earth Spell with wide area of effect. Use: Must-get spell. An invaluable xp tool for every owner. Target: Area of effect spell (around caster, maybe its area of effect is wisdom or level dependent).(RD Temple-Brother Giamas) Duration: Instant. Durée : Instantanée.

Entangle: Type Physique

Spall Namepre-requisLevelIntSagMPPoints SkillPrice
EntangleNo One313452101582297 Golds

Description: Temporarily reduces the target's capacity to move and dodge attacks Use: One of the most wanted spells before version 1.20. It prohibits any movement of the target for a short amount of time. Also it reduces dodge by 75%. A must-spell for PVP's.Weethgwotha (Camp Skraugs Green, SH) Target: Any single friendly or enemy target.

Boulders: Type Physique

Spall Namepre-requisLevelIntSagMPPoints SkillPrice
BouldersEarthquake6755951627161537 Golds

Drops several fair-sized boulders on the target. This spell has a small area of effect One of the best spells for easy leveling. Note that very few monsters are earth spell resistant! This could be considered as earthquake's evolution. Limited area of effect but very nice damage. Wisdom dependent. SH Kahp Leth Village-Shaman Weethgwotha Target: Area of Effect Spell (Around target point). Duration: Instant

True Sight: Type Physical

Disponible Soon

en/terre.1699139560.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/05 00:12 by goa

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