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Earth Spells

Stone Shard: Type Physique

Spall Namepre-requisLevelIntSagMPPoints SkillPrice
Stone ShardNo One41720261328 Golds

Envoie un petit éclat de pierre volant vers la cible. Sends a small shard of stone flying towards the target. One of the first weapons for the epic battles near LH :-). Uranos (Tower Mages LH) Cible : Cible unique ennemie. Durée : Instant

Protection: Type Physique

Spall Namepre-requisLevelIntSagMPPoints SkillPrice
ProtectionNo One82025971825 Golds

Increases the target's armor class Use: Must spell nearly for all classes. It is mainly wisdom dependent. Self or single friendly target. Duration: 3:00

Shatter: Type Terre Mental

Spall Namepre-requisLevelIntSagMPPoints SkillPrice
ShatterStone Shard18263751114292 Golds

Hits the target with enough force to shatter it to pieces. Uranos (Tower des Mages, LH), Quite useful spell for goblins. Single enemy target. Duration: Instant

Earthen Strength: Type Physique

Disponible Soon

en/terre.1699135441.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/04 23:04 by goa

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