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Water Spells

Cure Poison: Type Physique

Spall Namepre-requisLevelIntSagMPPoints SkillPrice
Cure PoisonNo One52617291825 Golds

Removes all poisons from the target's bloodstream Quite useful at the Forest of No Return (RD), spider field (SH), Nether Isles etc. LH Temple-Moonrock. Target: Self or single friendly target, Duration: Instant

Poison: Type Mental

Spall Namepre-requisLevelIntSagMPPoints SkillPrice
PoisonNo One73018273017 Golds

Gradually drains the target's HP over an extended period of time One of the worst spells of the game (Hey! I've PKed someone with Poison before! :P –Firebird). When killing a target with this spell you don't get maximum gold and xp from the kill. AVOID! LH Mage Tower-Lothan. Single enemy target, Duration: 00:20

Ice Shard: Type Physique

Spall Namepre-requisLevelIntSagMPPoints SkillPrice
Ice ShardNo one93419384473 Golds

Sends a small shard of ice streaking towards the target See above. LH Mage Tower-Lothan. Single enemy target, Duration: Instant

Poison Arrow: Type Physique

Spall Namepre-requisLevelIntSagMPPoints SkillPrice
Poison ArrowPoison18512351012937 Golds

Hurls a small projectile made of a poisonous substance at the target The second worst spell of the game. When killing a target with this spell you don't get maximum gold and xp from the kill. AVOID! LH Mage Tower-Lothan. Single enemy target, Duration: 501ms

Freeze: Type Mental

Spall Namepre-requisLevelIntSagMPPoints SkillPrice
FreezeIce Shard20502451117200 Golds

Drastically drops the temperature around the target. One of the early spells, not so useful. WH Mage Tower-Marsac Cred. Target: Single enemy target, Duration: Instant

Barrier: Type Physique

Spall Namepre-requisLevelIntSagMPPoints SkillPrice
BarrierNo One215924101218753 Golds

Increases the target's armor class. Among the most wanted spells for protection, it is good for every character with the required stats. The amount of gained AC is subject mainly to user's Wis and secondary Int. RD Druids-Riverbane Kederic . Self or single friendly target, Duration: 2:00

====== In Progres ======

en/eau.1699242829.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/06 04:53 by goa

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